Why Blu-ray Is Still Better Than Streaming Today

Why Blu-ray Is Still Better Than Streaming Today

In our increasingly digital age, there seems to be a new streaming service popping up every day. Some streaming services are more widely known and offer a variety of different movies and TV shows while others limit their selections to a specific media corporation or production company. While streaming services do allow for quick and easy access to your favorite flicks, there’s still something to be said for DVDs and Blu-ray disks. In fact, these physical copies often yield a better viewing experience than many streaming services. Because Blu-ray and DVD have fallen out of use slightly in recent years, there are many people who remain skeptical about the overwhelming benefits of physical film formats. In our digital era, this guide explores why Blu-ray is still better than streaming today.

Increased reliability

There’s nothing worse than getting knee-deep into the best part of a movie, only to have it suddenly start buffering. Streaming services rely on internet to operate and can sometimes be quite fickle as a result. Streaming services are only available in areas with a strong internet connection. Unfortunately, maintaining such a strong connection can sometimes be quite costly. Conversely, Blu-ray disks can be viewed with or without an internet connection. The video and audio files are stored directly on the Blu-ray disk itself and therefore do not require access to an internet connection. With both audio and video stored on the disk, there is also less worry that the image and sound will fall out of sync when watching the film. These factors make Blu-ray disks much more reliable than even the most advanced streaming services.

Higher quality

As we’ve stated, the audio and video files are stored directly on the Blu-ray disk. This allows for a much higher audio and video quality than would be available on a streaming service. Films on streaming services are far more compressed than those on Blu-ray disks. Streaming services must compress the films greatly for them to be delivered over the internet and can therefore only offer films at 1080p resolution. Blu-ray films, on the other hand, have a larger amount of storage space, which allows films to have a greater film resolution. The same can be said for audio files. Blu-ray disks can accommodate up to 7.1 channels of uncompressed audio, allowing for much greater audio clarity than is afforded by streaming services. This high film and audio quality isn’t just limited to professionally produced films, however. Even older family videos will have better audio and video quality when stored on a Blu-ray disk. For Blu-ray duplication services in NYC and to preserve your most precious memories for time immemorial, contact our team at DiJiFi today.

Bonus features

As a bonus, many Blu-ray disks come equipped with special features. In full-length films, these bonus features may include deleted scenes, blooper reels, or behind the scenes documentary features. However, these bonus features may also include more practical add-ons. They may include options to add subtitles, alter the format of the film, or change the language of the film’s audio. This increased accessibility and versatility is just one more of the many reasons why Blu-ray is still better than streaming today.

Daniel Greenblatt