How to Create Lasting Memories With Your Kids

How to Create Lasting Memories With Your Kids

As many parents can attest, children grow up far too fast. One minute they’re toddling around your house, and the next you’re getting ready to send them off into the world. Many parents also know that spending quality time with your kids can be difficult, especially in the midst of a busy work, school, and social schedule. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, life simply gets in the way of spending time and making memories with your family. Creating cherished family memories doesn’t need to be an elaborate event, however. The best memories are often the ones created in the spur of the moment. This guide for how to create lasting memories with your kids will help you cherish life’s little moments for all they’re worth.

Take a vacation

An ideal way to spend quality time with your family is to simply escape your daily duties and get away from it all. Taking a family vacation will allow you the perfect reprieve from the stresses of daily life and enable you to focus solely on spending time with your family. This family vacation doesn’t need to be big or extravagant. Even a small weekend trip will provide you a brief escape from reality in which you can reconnect as a family. Attend family-friendly attractions such as a zoo, aquarium, or a children’s museum. These attractions may be geared toward children, but they can also help awaken a childlike wonder in adults.

While on a family vacation, many people try to cram as many fun activities into their schedule as possible. Try to relax and simply enjoy the time spent in each other’s company instead. Your vacation will be much more relaxing when you’re not worrying about adhering to a schedule.

Film a movie

Children seem to grow up in the blink of an eye. While you can’t stop them from growing up, you can memorialize their childhood through photographs and videos. Through these pictures, your kids will remain forever young, no matter how many years pass.

In addition to taking pictures and creating a family photo album, consider filming a movie with your kids. Spend time together writing a script, crafting costumes, putting on makeup, and then get ready to call “action.” You’ll be surprised at how insightful and funny your child’s script might be. You can even recreate scenes from your kids’ favorite movies instead. The best part of these family movies is that they can then be converted to a DVD or digital copy to be shared with all your extended family. Compile all your favorite family videos in one central location with a high-quality digitized DVD service. You and your family can look back on these films fondly for many years to come.

Get competitive

It may seem contradictory, but one of the best ways to create lasting memories with your kids is to engage in a bit of friendly competition. Consider hosting a family game night once a month. Allow your kids to choose their favorite board, card, or video games to partake in as a family. You can arrange the game night into a tournament-style competition or form teams amongst your family. You can even raise the stakes and create prizes for the winning team. Take the family out to dinner at a restaurant of the winning team’s choosing or craft your very own medals and trophies to celebrate the winners. However, don’t let your family game night get too competitive. The main goal is to spend time together as a family and have fun. Don’t focus too much on winning or losing; simply enjoy each other’s presence and the fun of the game.

Learn something new

No matter your age, you’re never too old to learn something new. Further your education as well as your child’s by taking a class or joining a club together. There are many different family-friendly classes that you can take in many different studies. Consider taking a family painting, cooking, or dance class and learning a new skill together.

If organized classes aren’t quite your speed, you can take your education into your own hands instead. Embark on a family trip to a museum or take an educational nature walk through a local park. The most important thing is to find an activity that piques everyone’s interests. Choosing areas of study that align with your child’s passion is the best way to ensure that they’re engaged in what they’re learning. You can also flip the script and allow your child to teach you something new. Set up a makeshift classroom in your house and allow your kid to play the role of teacher. They’ll appreciate the opportunity to take the reins and you’ll get an interesting insight into your child’s mind.

Take a break

Often, it’s the little things that make life truly special. As such, sometimes the best way to create lasting memories with your kids is to simply take a step back and enjoy each other’s presence. Spending a lazy Sunday lounging around the house may not seem like much, but it can lead to incredible memories. Build a fort in your family room and cozy up together for an old-fashioned movie marathon. Allow each member of your family to choose a film and don’t forget to bring the popcorn. You can also take your family staycation outdoors and go camping in your backyard. There’s something about sleeping under the stars that truly helps bring a family together. Pitch a tent and gather around the campfire for a cozy evening of spooky stories, s’mores, and superb family memories.

No matter how you choose to create memories with your family, it’s important that you take as many photos as possible. Your kids will grow up faster than you think and taking photos is the best way to capture their childhood in your memory. Your kids may groan every time you bring out the camera, but they’ll appreciate the documentation of your most precious family memories as they grow older.

Memories With Your Kids
Daniel Greenblatt